Contact Us Today! 307-266-4229
SNS Outfitter & Guides www.huntwyo.com
Spring Bear hunts are the ultimate adventure for the hunter looking for a great black bear trophy and an excellent vacation, this [...]
Contact Us Today! 307-266-4229
SNS Outfitter & Guides www.huntwyo.com
Spring Bear hunts are the ultimate adventure for the hunter looking for a great black bear trophy and an excellent vacation, this [...]
Written by Bill Brown
In a world where people are sensitive, protective, and judgmental, hunters are often questioned as to why they hunt. Does it not bother them to take the life of a wild animal? The truth is, it’s not that simple.
One of the most important aspects of hunting is the food value of what we hunt. Knowing exactly where our food comes from — and for those hunters who process their own meat, exactly how it’s ag[...]
In early November, we caught up with family man, Art Krueger, to hear about his memorable mule deer hunt. Without a doubt, it was one for the books. Unlike previous SNS hunts, the week of October 1st was different. First and foremost, he brought along his wife, Collette, to join him. Secondly, Art succeeded in bringing home his first mule buck!
Three years ago, Art was diagnosed with colon cancer. Collette, being the thoughtful woman sh[...]
Finding the best gifts for you hunters might seem hard at first — after all, it’s actually pretty tough to choose the perfect gun or bow for a hunter. But, as it turns out, buying accessories for them is pretty dang easy. Why? Because we are here recommending our three favorite hunting tools of this past season.
We take pride in recommending gifts for your hunters because we not only recommend a particu[...]
Wow, is this hunting season flying by quicker than normal? It seems like just yesterday we were counting to down the days until fall bear opened, now, as of October 27th we closed out our 2018 elk hunts. But, let’s not have us tell you about the season, let’s have our hunters tell you about it.
“This is just a note to tell you what an outstanding hunt I had out of the Box Y the week of 15-20 October. I could not have ask[...]
Deadline: January 31, 2019
As a reminder, the elk application deadline is quickly approaching! In 2019, we want you to join us to punch your Wyoming elk tag.
There isn’t a hunting thrill quite like a western hunt. From early mornings to late nights, you’ll leave with a story to share. Our 2018 hunts have been successful, and we’ve had many hunters punch their elk tags and fill their freezers. We’ve seen some [...]
Shared from The TALL Mom
In the fall of 1980, just short of his twelfth birthday, my eldest brother was shot. The bullet, a .243 Savage, brazed his back before blasting through his elbow joint. The gun was misfired by a friend from across the room where it was being shown-off, a tween-age[...]
“If you’re wanting a legit opportunity at a quality buck — and have a well-rounded hunting experience — SNS will get the job done.” – Gary
On a crisp Wyoming morning, we caught up with one of our 2018 hunters, Gary. We were excited to hear about his recent hunting adventures, featuring his dad!
Gary is an experienced, personable hunter from northern Idaho. He’s incredibly fond of SNS and the hunting expe[...]
Whoa, the 2018 season continues to impress! It started with our archery antelope success, followed by exciting fall bear hunts, and wrapped up with Greys River mule deer hunts.
Our hunters worked hard, rode many miles on horseback, and glassed the horizon for an unnoted amount of time. But, their efforts were worth it — our hunters took phenomenal animals this year. The hunters were not alone in their hard-working efforts, tho[...]
The deadline to purchase Wyoming preference points is quickly approaching, October 31st is the last chance for 2018. Whats the stipulation to purchase? You are eligible to purchase if, either you didn’t earn a point in the 2018 draw, or you didn’t draw your first choice.
You are able to draw preference points for antelope, deer, elk, and moose. For the majority of Wyoming’s hunts you’ll need a preference point(s)[...]