From the desk of Outfitter, Sy Gilliland: 90/10 bill defeated

The Wyoming Legislature recently dealt with a second attempt by a singe state Senator to cut non-resident hunting licenses by half. In 2014 we faced an unexpected attempt by this same Senator when he introduced a similar bill. Fortunately the bill was killed by the Senate Travel, Recreation, and Wildlife Committee with a vote of 4-1. When this most recent bill was introduced the members of the Wyoming Outfitters & Guides Association (WYOG[...]

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Chronic wasting disease: My perspective

Over the last few years, as the concern surrounding the impact of Chronic Wasting Disease has increased, we as outfitters and hunters are left searching for answers on how to deal with the impacts of CWD. There is no known cure for the disease which makes it a grave threat to infected herds of deer and elk.

So, what can be done, and what is being done? In 2019 I was asked to be a part of a CWD working group made up of public me[...]

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Post Season Scouting

A task that quickly follows the wrap of hunting season is “deer counting”. The SNS team has a commitment to conservation. Maintaining a knowledge base of herd health is crucial to what we do. Taking the time to obtain these numbers is a tremendous help with the overall management scheme for the years to come. When deer populations thrive, quality hunting flourishes!

Deer counting is a relaxing duty. The equipment list for a [...]

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Wyoming Hunt Recap: An Adventure with SNS Outfitter & Guides

Now that we’re only a couple weeks away from 2020, it’s time for me to recap my 2019 combo hunt with SNS. I had the opportunity to go on an amazing hunt with SNS Outfitter & Guides. It was a mule deer and antelope combo hunt in eastern Wyoming, and we stayed at Camp Envy, hunt 2. I’ll talk about the story of Camp Envy another ti[...]

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Wyoming Antelope & Deer Application Deadline

With the end of May right around the corner, the Wyoming antelope and deer application deadline is quickly approaching! Please contact us to book your hunt, we’ll handle the application for you and the deadline is Friday, May 31st. Additionally, if you’d like to build your preference points for the future, give us a call and we can assist you with that process as well.

So, if you are th[...]

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Art Krueger Hunting Story from Camp Envy

In early November, we caught up with family man, Art Krueger, to hear about his memorable mule deer hunt. Without a doubt, it was one for the books. Unlike previous SNS hunts, the week of October 1st was different. First and foremost, he brought along his wife, Collette, to join him. Secondly, Art succeeded in bringing home his first mule buck!

Three years ago, Art was diagnosed with colon cancer. Collette, being the thoughtful woman she is, s[...]

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2018 Wyoming High Country Mule Deer Recap

Whoa, the 2018 season continues to impress! It started with our archery antelope success, followed by exciting fall bear hunts, and wrapped up with Greys River mule deer hunts.

Our hunters worked hard, rode many miles on horseback, and glassed the horizon for an unnoted amount of time. But, their efforts were worth it — our hunters took phenomenal animals this year. The hunters were not alone in their hard-working efforts, though. Our gu[...]

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Pack Your Layers for Fall Hunting with SNS Outfitter and Guides

Fall hunting — in both Wyoming and Montana — can mean variable weather and hunting conditions. With dynamic weather in mind, here are a few packing recommendations for those October and November hunts. First and foremost, you should pack layers. Layers are a critical element to hunting in the West. We typically experience cold mornings and warm afternoons, so having the ability to add (or shed) layers is key. In times of movement —  ei[...]

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Last Minute Physical Preparation for the 2018 Hunting Season

There is no question you need to be prepared physically before heading out for your western hunting trip. Western hunting tends to be tough both physically and mentally. You’re carrying a heavy pack and you’re spending early morning and late nights out in the field. You’ll experience drastic elevation and temperature changes while packing your gear through the high country. These Western hunts will require a different type of planning and c[...]

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Time’s Running Out for Good Deals – Book Today for 2018 Prices

Our 2019 new prices go into effect on August 1st, but if you book your 2019 hunt by July 31st you can still book at the 2018 price! Year after year our most popular hunts are filling up quicker than ever, so don’t wait to lock in your dates for next year’s adventure.

We already have limited openings on some of our most popular antelope and mule deer combo hunts as well as some of our more popular elk hunts. Although we are seeing spots fil[...]

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