Last Chance for Wyoming Preference Points

Wyoming preference points for all big game species are only on sale until the end of October! If you’re considering a Wyoming hunt in 2017 or beyond, purchasing preference points now can be a good idea, setting you up with more options down the road.

While many of our antelope and deer hunts can be drawn without points, purchasing a preference point can help assure that you get the hunting license you want. Our hunts that do require p[...]

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Featured Hunting Camp: Jackson Hole Outfitters

Just ask any of our trophy mule deer hunters or archery elk hunters about their experience at our Jackson Hole Outfitters hunting camp, and you’ll begin to understand how special this place is.

The Jackson Hole Outfitters camp is situated on the Greys River in western Wyoming, just south of Jackson. Amid a spectacular alpine setting, this camp offers a wonderful balance between first-class comfort and a classic wall-tent hunting camp [...]

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Featured Hunt: Mule Deer and Antelope Combo

One of the most exciting things about hunting in Wyoming is the widely varying range of opportunities. From the plains to the peaks, this is a state that offers everything. Some of our favorite hunts each year are the mule deer and antelope Combo hunts.

These combo hunts offer everything you could want in a classic, western hunt. There’s nothing like b[...]

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Application Period Open for Nonresident Antelope and Deer

If you’re interested in hunting opportunities in Wyoming, it’s application season and now is the time to book your hunt! If you’d like to apply for a nonresident antelope or deer license this year in Wyoming, applications are now being accepted.

If you are interested in hunting in Wyoming this year, but not sure where to apply or how, please let us know. Here at SNS Outfitter and Guides, we handle that process for our [...]

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Featured Hunt: Two States, Two Trophy Deer

Our final hunt of the year was our ever-popular two-state, two-deer hunt. Once again, we had a great time hunting Wyoming whitetail deer, and Montana mule deer. Our clients took some great bucks, and it was a great way to wrap up the season.

This two-trophy deer hunt takes place during the peak of the rut. It’s always fu[...]

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Book Your 2016 Hunt Now

Here’s our friendly holiday season reminder that it’s time to book your 2016 hunt with SNS Outfitter and Guides! Yes, the 2015 season just ended but believe it or not, it’s already time to be thinking about next year. Our hunts are already filling up fast!

Now is the time to book your 2016 Wyoming antelope hunt! Antelope hunts are the biggest demand around here and this past season we were booked solid. If you want to secure that [...]

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2015 Season Update

The 2015 season has been another great one here at SNS Outfitter and Guides in Wyoming. We just wrapped up our final hunts of the year and this one is in the books!

A huge thanks goes out to all of our hunters! We’re here because of you and it was a pleasure getting to hunt with each of you this season. To clients old and new, we hope to see you back here in Wyoming again soon! Hunting with great people is what makes our job so specia[...]

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Selecting the Right Boots for Your Wyoming Hunt

Having the right gear can make or break your Wyoming hunt, and this is especially true of your boots. Boots could possibly be your most important investment after your firearm or bow. You will wear them every day in the field, and they must perform well. If you are cold, wet, or get blisters on your feet, it’s not going to be a fun experience. You may not be able to spend the necessary time in the field, and you may not be able to hike to th[...]

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Final Reminder for Wyoming Deer Hunting Applications

This year’s deadline to submit Wyoming deer hunting applications and antelope applications is May 31. If you are interested in a 2015 tag, it’s now or next year!

We want to bring attention to our Greys River trophy mule deer hunts, where we still have a couple of openings. If you have preference points for deer in Wyoming, this is the ultimate hunt. The Greys River region produces more record book bucks than anywhere else in the sta[...]

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