Count down to your Antelope hunt

It’s almost July and its time to start fine tuning your gear for your upcoming hunt. Getting your rifle ready for your Wyoming Antelope hunt needs to be at the very top of your list. Most hunters own multiple rifles so choosing the best firearm to hunt the flat, wide open spaces of Wyoming is important.

The terrain in antelope country is generally rolling prairie grasslands and sagebrush. Antelope stand about 3 feet tall at their shou[...]

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Trophy Antelope Buck Hunt, 3 for 3 with SNS

As they say, if you know, you know! That crazy mix of adrenaline and joy; relief and pride as you pull the trigger and see the results unfold in front of you. Feeling exhausted and exhilarated all at once is a something that SNS Outfitter and Guides is no stranger to. For 46 seasons now, we have been lucky enough to host top quality hunting adventures in Wyoming & Montana. Time and time again, clients have expressed their appreciat[...]

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Wintering in Wyoming can be hard to do

Wyoming, like much of the west, is experiencing a hard winter with lots of snow. We are a large state and as you would expect, the snow pack varies from area to area. Along with other states in our region, Wyoming has been experiencing a prolonged drought. Cattle ranchers have a saying; “It takes a hard winter to break a drought.” Because Wyoming receives minimal summer rains, we rely on the yearly snow fall to provide some deep soil moist[...]

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2022 Hunting Season Showcase


It’s the best time of the year, the holiday season. It’s also time for one of our favorite videos “The Year in Review’. 

The best way to share a season as fantastic as this one has been though is through video. A couple of highlights to share from this past year. First, we are extremely pleased with the acquisition of a new wilderness elk hunting camp. The hunts taking place from this camp are classic,[...]

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