Critical Wyoming Elk Feed Grounds

Elk Feed grounds are critical to the health of Wyoming wildlife. This became even more evident after such a harsh winter in 2022/23. Had feed grounds not been in place, we would have seen even more devastating effects on all the wildlife. Elk would have infiltrated the mule deer winter ranges and impact the antelope herds as well. It remains our belief that these grounds need protected and maintained.

When the topic of feed grou[...]

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Randy George, 2022 WYOGA Guide Of The Year

SNS would like to congratulate our own Randy George who was named as the Wyoming Outfitter & Guides Association, “Hunting Guide of the Year” for 2022. I was able to steal away a few moments of his time before the banquet dinner to hear about how he got into the guiding industry, what keeps him coming back for more and a very memorable hunt from his first time guiding. Please enjoy my interview with Randy and find the article from WYOGA[...]

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Prairie Dog Hunting with SNS

Have you ever considered a prairie dog shoot with your friends or family? A dog shoot is a great way to spend some quality time outdoors and try your hand at long shots on small targets. It is always a good time! 

SNS Outfitter & Guides used to take a number of groups out hunting prairie dogs each year. Several years ago, however, Wyoming experienced a significant die off when the plague hit prairie dog towns. It’s be[...]

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Addressing Wyoming’s Hunting License changes

The SNS office has been receiving calls and emails from interested hunters that have been hearing rumors about changes being made to how the Wyoming Game & Fish manages licenses sales for non resident hunters. SNS Outfitter, Sy Gilliland, has been actively involved in shaping legislation pertaining to these issues. As an appointed member of the Wildlife Task Force, he has the inside scoop. So, rather than trying to explain these is[...]

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“My health is better when I am hunting”

Introducing the Tailgate Tales Series; a collection of stories from SNS hunters throughout the years

Havilah Babcock authored a book in 1947 titled, “My Health is Better in November”. Terry Truhler, long time client and friend of SNS, related this title to his own experiences with SNS Outfitter & Guides. “I always feel better when I am hunting in Wyoming.” Terry has been retired for several years, living life in central Washington [...]

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2022 Hunting Season Showcase


It’s the best time of the year, the holiday season. It’s also time for one of our favorite videos “The Year in Review’. 

The best way to share a season as fantastic as this one has been though is through video. A couple of highlights to share from this past year. First, we are extremely pleased with the acquisition of a new wilderness elk hunting camp. The hunts taking place from this camp are classic,[...]

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2023 Hunting Opportunity with SNS Outfitter and Guides

As the 2022 hunting season winds down, it’s natural to want to plan your next hunt. SNS Outfitter & Guides has been extremely busy booking our 2023 and 2024 hunting seasons. The trend the last few years has been for hunters to plan farther into the future when booking their hunts. This has caused many repeat SNS clients to be disappointed when they try to book a hunt and dates are full. In the hopes of avoiding any frustrations, [...]

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Wildlife Task Force: July 2022 Update

From the desk of SNS Outfitter, Sy Gilliland

It’s been over a year now that the Wyoming Wildlife Task Force has been meeting to discuss wildlife and licensing issues that affect all Wyoming hunters. It’s coming down to a couple very important issues that will affect your ability to hunt as a non resident in Wyoming. 

A major reason for the formation of the task force was to study and come up with solutions in how Wyoming[...]

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New Wilderness Back Country Pack-in Elk Hunting Camp

Starting in 2023 SNS will take over operations of this incredible elk camp. During the fall of 2022 our staff will be assisting Taylor Engum with camp set up and tear down, learning horse trails, and guiding elk hunters. After a full season, I am confident we will be ready to take over operations and will have developed the skill set required to run this wilderness backcountry pack in camp. 

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