Addressing Wyoming’s Hunting License changes

The SNS office has been receiving calls and emails from interested hunters that have been hearing rumors about changes being made to how the Wyoming Game & Fish manages licenses sales for non resident hunters. SNS Outfitter, Sy Gilliland, has been actively involved in shaping legislation pertaining to these issues. As an appointed member of the Wildlife Task Force, he has the inside scoop. So, rather than trying to explain these is[...]

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Wyoming Elk Feed Grounds: need your help

Winter feeding of wildlife is a hot button issue and often pits wildlife lovers, hunters and conservationists against one other. Elk are fed each winter by the Wyoming Game & Fish Department and the National Elk Refuge. As townships and ranchers established themselves out west, elk were left with very little intact natural winter range.

The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission has tasked the department to hold a series of publ[...]

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A look at the Southern Big Horn Elk Herd

Whether you prefer to read the Blog below or ride along with us, we appreciate your interest in SNS Outfitter & Guides!

Since the mid-1990’s, Wyomings elk population has experienced tremendous growth as have elk across the entire mountain west. The biologists in charge of managing these majestic game animals have many theories as to why elk numbers have exploded across the west. Wyoming’s statewide population estimate stands at 1[...]

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2019 Thank You – From SNS Outfitter & Guides

As the year comes to a close, and with it the 2019 hunting season. We wanted to say thank you to everyone that has hunted with us this year! We would also like to thank those who’ve already booked for 2020 and beyond we’re already looking forward to it! Without our hunters, we wouldn’t be here to share these incredible memories with you!

We not only value our hunters, but also our awesome crew. We would like to send a very big[...]

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The Summer Outlook for Hunting Season

With the 2018 hunting season just a little over a month away the outlook for SNS Outfitter and Guides season is looking to be a great one. The snowpack this winter was above average and melted off a bit quicker than normal with our early spring which truly worked out in our favor with our spring bear hunts, we had a record black bear season. Not only did the early spring lead to a great spring bear season, it also lead into a very wet summer.[...]

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A Clients Story — Memories with SNS Outfitter and Guides

Brad Wilson’s most vivid SNS memory was a horseback hunt — one that was just as serene and beautiful as a photographed postcard.

It happened to be his first time out West, as well as the first time killing an elk at the Orchard. Wilson will never forget it. As the story goes, Wilson and his crew spotted a heard about an hour and a half away (on horseback). After traversing over boulders and crawling around rocks, they managed to secure an [...]

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How to Prepare for Hunting Season: Fitness Edition

Disclaimer: while we aren’t doctors, these are fitness tips (for hunting) that we find beneficial. Please consult your physician or certified physical trainer if you have any questions.

Traversing a mostly untouched terrain, with a heavy pack of hunting gear in tow, is certainly taxing. From now until August, though, you can prepare your body to climb through rocky mountain slopes, brace muddy hillsides, and race after agile animals. Through[...]

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REMINDER: Elk Application Deadline is January 31st

The elk application deadline is rapidly approaching. Why not make 2018 the year to dream big and shoot big? We can make it happen. The elk are plentiful, but the deadline is almost here and spaces are limited!

Whether you’re looking for an archery elk in the rugged and beautiful Wyoming range — or a trophy Elk on our ranch (a true western classic) — we will ensure that your hunt is everything and more.

Contact us today to book you[...]

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A Guides Note: Mark Warr

“I live to hunt — no matter if I’m guiding or hunting myself. Either way, I’m a part of the hunt, and that’s what I love.”

For over 20 years, Mark Warr has devoted a piece of his life to SNS Outfitter & Guides. Devoutly loyal, he returns every single year. As a guide, a hunter, and the current camp manager, Warr is an SNS seasoned veteran. Everyone knows him, and no one forgets him. From the quality of the operations, to the gu[...]

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More Hunting Photos From the 2017 Season

A big thanks goes to all of our hunters who joined us during the 2017 season! You are the reason we do what we do. Thank you for choosing SNS Outfitter and Guides, and we hope to see you on an adventure in Wyoming again. 

We’d also like to thank our guides, cooks, camp jacks, wranglers and staff for another outstanding season. These folks work tirelessly to give our clients a safe and enjoyable experience. 

Our Wyoming hunts and[...]

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